The school-based Traineeship Program gave Harrison the flexibility to maintain his commitment to study while also experiencing what the workforce has to offer.
Following graduating in Engineering, Jayan was already working in a role at the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) before joining the Graduate Development Program to advance his career through the experience gained working across different business areas and regions.
The Aboriginal Employment Program provided Jesse a pathway to employment and the opportunity to gain certified qualifications while also juggling being a single parent.
The Aboriginal Employment Program was attractive to Ryan as a way to both kick start his working career and gain a national recognised qualification.
The Graduate Development Program gave Sanjo a head start in his finance career after graduating.
The Vacation Employment Program provided Sevasti with the opportunity to gain experience and hands-on knowledge in her chosen field while studying.
Following a placement in the Vacation Employment Program, Tithira joined the Graduate Program to gain further experience working for the public sector.